91128/94120-CHO细胞基础培养基Growth A,Irvine欧文代理

BalanCD CHO Growth A Medium

货号:91128(液体) / 94120(粉末) BalanCD CHO Growth A 是一种化学成分明确、不含动物源 成分的生长培养基,旨在提高中国仓鼠卵巢 (CHO) 细胞中 抗体和重组蛋白的工艺产量。

·旨在在每个开发步骤和任何规模上, 限度地提高CHO细胞 的生长、活率和生产率



·与BalanCD CHO Feed 4搭配使用,可 限度提高高产细胞 系的生产力

货号 产品名称 状态 规格 储存条件 保质期
91128 BalanCD® CHO Growth A 液体 1L 2–8?C, 避光 1年
94120 BalanCD® CHO Growth A 干粉 10L,100L 2–8?C, 避光 3年
Growth A搭配Feed 4,高效的蛋白生产组合

BalanCD CHO Growth A is a chemically-defined, animal component-free growth medium designed to increase process yields of antibodies and recombinant proteins in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells. This formulation was developed using FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific’s Rational Culture Media Design strategy to achieve enhanced performance of growth and production in batch cultures.

Standard Packaging Size: 1 L bottle

Custom Packaging Sizes: 5 L, 10 L, 20 L, 100 L, 200 L, 500 L bioprocess containers (BPCs) available upon request.

Also Available in Powder – 94120 – BalanCD CHO Growth A Medium

BalanCD CHO Growth A is a chemically-defined, animal component-free growth medium designed to increase process yields of antibodies and recombinant proteins in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells. This formulation was developed using FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific’s Rational Culture Media Design strategy to achieve enhanced performance of growth and production in batch cultures.
This medium is designed to be used in conjunction with BalanCD CHO Feed 4 for optimal performance in fed-batch cultures.

Standard Packaging Sizes: 10 L & 100 L containers

Larger volume packaging available upon request.

Also Available in Liquid – 91128 – BalanCD CHO Growth A Medium – Liquid

PRIME-XV T Cell Expansion XSFM T细胞培养基91141,Irvine欧文代理

PRIME-XV T Cell Expansion XSFM

Irvine欧文-T细胞培养基(91141- PRIME-XV T Cell Expansion XSFM),T细胞培养基,无血清,无异源性,无动物成分,含有酚红和庆大霉素。

货号:91141 T细胞扩增无异源、无血清培养









货号 产品名称 状态 规格 储存条件 保质期
91141 PRIME-XV T Cell XSFM 液体 1L 本产品在 2-8°C 下运输。 收到后,立即储存在 2-8°C 并避光。 使用无菌技术处理以避免污染。未开封的液体培养基自生产之日起可稳定保存18 个月。
PRIME-XV® T CELL EXPANSION XSFM在添加IL-2孵育4天后, 观察到活化T细胞可维持原始细胞的特征性形态。

PRIME-XV T Cell XSFM is a xeno-free and serum-free culture medium that supports the expansion and reactivation of human T cells, as well as the transition from preclinical to clinical applications for immunotherapy therapeutics.

Provides Optimal Performance
Xeno-free, serum-free medium for T cell culture

Optimized for activation and expansion of human T lymphocytes
Maintains potency of major T cells subsets such as, CD4+ and CD8+
Supports expansion of re-activated T cells
Serum-free and xeno-free formulation reduces risk of contamination and provides lot-to-lot consistency
Contains gentamicin for reduced contamination of culture components
Designed and manufactured to facilitate transfer from research to clinic. Supported by robust raw material controls and supply chain management.

FDA, Federal, and State registered – cGMP-compliant manufacture
EN ISO 13485:2016 certified
MDSAP certified
Extensive QC testing including functionality, sterility (USP <71>), endotoxin (USP <85>), and mycoplasma (USP <63>)
Drug Master Files (DMFs) filed with the FDA – available upon request

91154 T细胞培养基 PRIME-XV T Cell CDM,Irvine欧文代理


Irvine 欧文- T细胞培养基(91154-PRIME-XV T Cell CDM),T细胞培养基,无血清,化学成分确定的,无动物成分,不含抗生素,不含酚红。


一款化学成分明确、无动物源成分的cGMP级别培养基,用于人类T细胞 的扩增和培养。能够扩大到各种自动化生物反应器并提高T细胞培养的 速度,针对免疫 和研究进行了全面优化。可提供一致的生长,同时 保持T细胞的功能和效力。




·可 限度地降低外源性因素的风险




货号 产品名称 状态 规格 储存条件 保质期
91154 PRIME-XV T Cell CDM 液体 1L 本产品在 2-8°C 下运输。 收到后,立即储存在 2-8°C 并避光。 使用无菌技术处理以避免污染。未开封的液体培养基自生产之日起可稳定保存14 个月。

在G-Rex培养系统中,PRIME-XV T CELL CDM的性能优于或等同于市售的无异源物质的培养基。

使用可溶性抗人CD3和抗人CD28抗体活化人PBMC。这些结果代表三个健康供体,设三个平行组操作。本图中显示了 0 天数据的特征,因为其代表指数扩展的峰值。(A)在补充200 IU/mL IL-2的各种培养基中培养10天后,收获细胞并分析活率 和扩增倍数。(B)流式细胞术分析比较 0天CD3+CD4+和CD3+CD8+细胞与复苏时初始PBMC的比值。

PRIME-XV T Cell CDM is the first commercially-available, chemically defined, animal component-free medium for the expansion and transduction of human T cells. The formulation is optimized to deliver consistently vigorous growth while maintaining T cell functionality and potency.

Provides Optimal Performance
Chemically defined, animal component-free T cell culture medium

Supports T cell expansion in static and dynamic automation systems while maintaining functionality
Eliminates the adverse effects undefined components cause on T cell phenotypes
Supports polarization to targeted T cell types, such as Th1, Th2, cytotoxic T cells, to further possible therapy applications
Performs transduction of T cells without requiring spinoculation or transduction enhancers
Designed and manufactured to facilitate transfer from research to clinic. Supported by robust raw material controls and supply chain management:

FDA, Federal, and State registered – cGMP-compliant manufacture
EN ISO 13485:2016 certified
MDSAP certified
Extensive QC testing including functionality, sterility (USP <71>), endotoxin (USP <85>), and mycoplasma (USP <63>)
Drug Master Files (DMFs) filed with the FDA – available upon request

Irvine欧文代理,91146 DC细胞培养基

PRIME-XV Dendritic Cell Maturation CDM

Irvine欧文-DC细胞培养基  (91146 – PRIME-XV Dendritic Cell Maturation CDM),化学成分限定的配方:含有重组白蛋白,但不含血浆衍生白蛋白,无动物成分,不含抗生素,不含酚红,支持单核细胞分化为未成熟树突细胞(IDC)和随后成熟为成熟树突细胞(MDC)而优化的培养基。


一款化学成分明确、无动物源成分的cGMP级别培养基,开发用于将单 核细胞体外分化为未成熟树突细胞(iDC)并随后产生成熟树突细胞 (mDC)。支持mDC有效成熟,具有诱导T细胞反应的能力。








货号 产品名称 状态 规格 储存条件 保质期
91146 PRIME-XV Dendritic Cell Maturation
Cell CDM 液体 500mL 本产品在 2-8°C 下运输。 收到后,立即储存在 2-8°C 并避光。 使用无菌技术处理以避免污染。未开封的液体培养基自生产之日起可稳定保存18 个月。


PRIME-XV Dendritic Cell Maturation CDM is a chemically-defined, animal component-free medium developed for the in vitro differentiation of monocytes into immature dendritic cells (iDCs) and subsequent maturation to produce mature dendritic cells (mDCs). Free of the undefined components found in animal- or human-derived raw materials that affect functional capacity PRIME-XV Dendritic Cell Maturation CDM supports effective maturation of mDCs with the functional capacity to induce T cell response.

Formulated to produce high yields of functional cells

  • Achieve high yields of DCs with the desired characteristics and functionality
  • Maintains potency of dendritic cells for T cell stimulation
  • Ready-to-use, just supplement with desired cytokine cocktails

Designed and manufactured to facilitate transfer from research to clinic

  • Free from any animal or human-derived components
  • Manufactured in compliance with cGMP regulations
  • Robust raw material controls and supply chain management
  • Traceability documentation provided including Certificates of Analysis, Certificates of Origin and a Drug Master File (DMF) filed with the US FDA*

*DMF filing in process

Irvine欧文 PRIME-XV NK Cell CDM 代理,91215 NK细胞培养基


Irvine欧文-NK细胞培养基 (91215 – PRIME-XV NK Cell CDM),化学成分限定的配方:含有重组白蛋白,但不含血浆衍生白蛋白,无动物成分,不含抗生素,不含酚红,支持NK(自然杀伤细胞)和NKT(自然杀伤T细胞)细胞扩增。


用于自然杀伤细胞离体扩增的化学成分限定的、无动物源成分的cGMP级别培 养基。这种先进的配方设计用于基于NK和NKT细胞的免疫疗法研究和转化应 用,在保持NK和NKT细胞功能和效力的同时提供生长,无需补充血清。








货号 产品名称 状态 规格 储存条件 保质期
91215 PRIME-XV NK Cell CDM 液体 1L 本产品在 2-8°C 下运输。 收到后,立即储存在 2-8°C 并避光。 使用无菌技术处理以避免污染。未开封的液体培养基自生产之日起可稳定保存12 个月。

PRIME-XV NK Cell CDM is the first commercially-available, chemically defined, and animal component-free medium for the ex vivo expansion of NK and NKT cells.

Designed for use in NK and NKT cell-based immunotherapy research and translational applications, this advanced formulation delivers growth while maintaining NK and NKT cell functionality and potency – without the need for serum supplementation.

Provides Optimal Performance
Chemically defined, animal component-free natural killer cell culture medium

Supports robust cell expansion and viability in heterogeneous PBMC culture enriched for CD56+ cells
Supports expansion of NK cells when supplemented with IL-2, IL-12, IL-18, and IL-21
Supports NKT cell expansion when supplemented with IL-2
Maintains high NK and NKT cytotoxic capability
Designed and manufactured to facilitate transfer from research to clinic. Supported by robust raw material controls and supply chain management

FDA, Federal, and State registered – cGMP-compliant manufacture
EN ISO 13485:2016 certified
MDSAP certified
Extensive QC testing including functionality, sterility (USP <71>), endotoxin (USP <85>), and mycoplasma (USP <63>)
Drug Master Files (DMFs) filed with the FDA – available upon request

This product is shipped at 2-8°C with cold packs. Upon receipt, store immediately at 2-8°C and protect from light.
Shelf Life
Unopened liquid medium is stable for 18 months from date of manufacture, as indicated on the label, when stored at 2-8°C and protected from light. Once opened, the product should be stored at 2-8°C in the dark and used within 4 weeks.

Irvine欧文PRIME-XV FreezIS,91139 含10% DMSO的细胞冻存液


Irvine欧文-含10% DMSO的细胞冻存液(91139 – PRIME-XV FreezIS),含DMSO的细胞冻存液,无蛋白、无血清、化学成分限定、无动物成分,针对HSC(造血干细胞)、T细胞、NPC(神经元前体细胞)、iPSC(诱导性多功能干细胞)和CHO(中国仓鼠卵巢细胞)等细胞,支持在-80℃至-196℃ 环境下保存多种细胞类型,同时保持解冻后细胞的细胞表面标记物表达。

货号:91139 用于细胞和组织的无蛋白质、化学成分限定的低温保存溶液






货号 产品名称 状态 规格 储存条件 保质期
91139 PRIME-XV FreezIS 液体 10mL,100mL 在2-8°C下运输。 收到后立即储存在2-8°C并避光。 使用无菌技术处理。未开封的液体培养基自生产之日起可稳定保存12个月。


与含DMSO的溶液相比,PRIME-XV MSC FreezIS DMSO-FREE保留了相当的MSCs活率和细胞扩增 特征。

来自脂肪组织(AD-MSC)、骨·(BM-MSC)和脐带 (UC-MSC)的MSCs在PRIME-XV MSC FreezIS DMSO-FREE和含DMSO的PRIME-XV FreezIS冷冻 溶液中冷冻。将细胞在液氮中储存两天,然后复苏 并通过两次传代培养,直至80%汇合。用台盼蓝染 色评估活率(A)和细胞密度(B)。可根据要求提供 长期冻存数据。

Protein-free, animal component-free, chemically defined cryopreservation solution

Enables cell preservation for short-term at -80°C and long-term storage in liquid nitrogen to -196°C
High post-thaw viability and growth
Maintains cell surface marker expression of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and T cells post-thaw
Complete, ready-to-use medium
Contains DMSO in the formulation
Designed and manufactured to facilitate transfer from research to clinic. Supported by robust raw material controls and supply chain management.

FDA, Federal, and State registered – cGMP-compliant manufacture
EN ISO 13485:2016 certified
MDSAP certified
Extensive QC testing including functionality, sterility (USP <71>), endotoxin (USP <85>), and mycoplasma (USP <63>)
Drug Master Files (DMFs) filed with the FDA – available upon request

Irvine欧文PRIME-XV Stem FreezIS DMSO-Free,91140 不含DMSO的细胞冻存液


Irvine欧文-不含DMSO的细胞冻存液(91140 – PRIME-XV Stem FreezIS DMSO-Free),不含DMSO的细胞冻存液,无血清,化学成分限定,无动物成分,用于间充质干细胞/基质细胞(MSCs)在冷冻保存过程中使用,针对MSC和HSC。不含DMSO的细胞冻存液,去除DMSO在MSC应用中可能造成的风险,与含有DMSO冻存液相比,细胞冻存情况较优。

货号:91140 用于人间充质干细胞和人造血干细胞的不含 DMSO、化学成分限定的 低温保存溶液。



·消除干细胞 应用中DMSO的风险





货号 产品名称 状态 规格 储存条件 保质期
91140 PRIME-XV Stem FreezIS DMSO-free 液体 10mL,100mL 在2-8°C下运输。 收到后立即储存在2-8°C并避光。 使用无菌技术处理。未开封的液体培养基自生产之日起可稳定保存24个月。

DMSO-free, protein-free, animal component-free, chemically defined cryopreservation solution

Eliminate the risk of DMSO toxicity and maintain potency of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), T cells, and hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) throughout cryopreservation
Comparable post-thaw cell viability to solutions containing DMSO
Nontoxic when injected in animal models (refer to toxicological application note)
Enables cell preservation for short-term at -80°C* and long-term storage in liquid nitrogen to -196°C
Complete, ready-to-use medium
* Human MSC and PBMC (T cell) data available for short-term storage. Human HSC data is not available.

Designed and manufactured to facilitate transfer from research to clinic. Supported by robust raw material controls and supply chain management.

FDA, Federal, and State registered – cGMP-compliant manufacture
EN ISO 13485:2016 certified
MDSAP certified
Extensive QC testing including functionality, sterility (USP <71>), endotoxin (USP <85>), and mycoplasma (USP <63>)
Drug Master Files (DMFs) filed with the FDA – available upon request

Irvine欧文代理PRIME-XV MSC Expansion XSFM,91149 MSC细胞培养基


货号:91149 人间充质干细胞/基质细胞扩增无异源、无血清培养基





·药物主文件 (DMF) 注册

货号 产品名称 状态 规格 储存条件 保质期
91149 PRIME-XV MSC Expansion XSFM 液体 250mL , 1L 随附干冰。 收到后储存在≤-10°C手动除霜冰箱中。 使用无菌技术处理。未开封的液体培养

Human mesenchymal stem cell / mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC) expansion xeno-free, serum-free medium

Maintains MSC quality after extended culture
Supports expansion of MSCs derived from human adipose, human bone marrow, and human umbilical cord
Xeno-free and serum-free formulation for lot-to-lot consistency
Manufactured under cGMP conditions
Mycoplasma USP <63> testing is standard on all lots
Drug Master File (DMF) registration
Available in 250 mL and 1 L packaging
Custom packaging and modifications available
For research or further manufacturing use only.

Contact us for international pricing.

This product is shipped with dry ice. Upon receipt, store the medium at or below -10°C in a manual defrost freezer.
Shelf Life
Handle using aseptic techniques to avoid contamination. Unopened liquid medium is stable for 24 months from date of manufacture, as indicated on the label.

91147/94129,CHO 细胞瞬转培养基BalanCD® Transfectory™ CHO,Irvine欧文代理

BalanCD Transfectory CHO  Liquid

货号:91147 用于瞬时转染CHO细胞。BalanCD Transfectory CHO的配方基于我们BalanCD CHO培养基平台,从而在所有开发阶段和所有生产规模 上提供工艺一致性。

BalanCD Transfectory CHO – Powder

货号:94129 用于瞬时转染CHO细胞。我们化学成分明确、不含动物源成分的培养基产生的蛋白质水平与含有水解物的市售培养基相当或更好。

货号 产品名称 状态 规格 储存条件 保质期
91147 BalanCD® Transfectory™ CHO 液体 1L 2–8?C, 避光 1年
94129 BalanCD® Transfectory™ CHO 干粉 10L 2–8?C, 避光 2年


CHO-3E7细胞在工作容量为30 mL的125ml Erlenmeyer培养瓶中培养。在第3天进行PEI介导的转染以产生抗体。 在转染1天后,将转染补充剂添加到BalanCD Transfectory CHO测试条件之一中。 由于转染不良,培养基B中的培 养在第7天终止。 由于活率差,培养基C中的培养物在第9天终止。 显示的所有数据都是重复培养的平均值。

BalanCD Transfectory CHO system of media and supplements is a scalable platform that produces milligram to gram-scale yields of recombinant proteins using a simplified, affordable protocol. The system (including BalanCD Transfectory CHO, Transfectory Supplement and Anti-Clumping Supplement) supports small- and large-scale transient transfection in CHO cells, enabling scientists to use the same medium before and after transfection.

The chemically-defined, animal component-free medium produces protein levels equivalent to, or better than, other commercially available media.

Also available in powder: 94129-10L Powder BalanCD Transfectory CHO

Store at 2-8°C away from light.
Shelf Life
1 year from date of manufacture


BalanCD Transfectory CHO system of media and supplements is a scalable platform that produces milligram to gram-scale yields of recombinant proteins using a simplified, affordable protocol. The system (including BalanCD Transfectory CHO, Transfectory Supplement and Anti-Clumping Supplement) supports small-and large-scale transient transfection in CHO cells enabling scientists to use the same medium before and after transfection.

The chemically-defined, animal component-free medium produces protein levels equivalent to, or better than, commercially available media containing hydrolysates.

Also available in liquid: 91147-1L BalanCD Transfectory CHO

91165/94137 BalanCD HEK293  Liquid/Powder,Irvine欧文代理

BalanCD HEK293  Liquid/Powder


BalanCD HEK293培养基是一种多功能、化学成分明确、无 动物源成分的培养基,针对病毒载体和重组蛋白的转染和生 产进行了优化。这款培养基支持多种应用,包括:

快速、可扩展地生产用于基因 的病毒载体(腺相关病毒 (AAV)、慢病毒)

瞬时蛋白表达和重组蛋白生产至克级产量 为多功能性和易用性而设计:

使用相同的生长培养基进行接种、转染和生产 ·用于摇瓶、旋转烧瓶和生物反应器的可放大方案

添加BalanCD HEK293补料和/或抗结团剂以 限度地提高生长和表达量

货号 产品名称 状态 规格 储存条件 保质期
91165 BalanCD® HEK293 液体 1L 2–8℃, 避光 1年
94137 BalanCD® HEK293 干粉 10L,100L 2–8℃, 避光 2年

BalanCD HEK293 medium is a versatile, chemically-defined, animal component-free medium optimized for transfection and production of viral vectors and recombinant proteins.

Standard Packaging Size: 10 L
Larger pack sizes available upon request
Also Available as Liquid: 91165 – BalanCD HEK293 Medium – Liquid
One medium supports multiple applications including:

Rapid, scalable production of viral vectors for gene therapy (adeno-associated viruses (AAV), lentiviruses)
Transient protein expression and recombinant protein production to gram-scale yields
Formulated for versatility and ease-of-use:

Use the same growth medium for seeding, transfection and production
Scalable protocol for use in flasks, spinner flasks and bioreactors
Add complementary BalanCD HEK293 Feed and/or Anti-Clumping Supplement to maximize growth and titer

BalanCD HEK293 medium is a versatile, chemically-defined, animal component-free medium optimized for transfection and production of viral vectors and recombinant proteins.

One medium supports multiple applications including:

Rapid, scalable production of viral vectors for gene therapy (adeno-associated viruses (AAV), lentiviruses)
Transient protein expression and recombinant protein production to gram-scale yields
Formulated for versatility and ease-of-use:

Use the same growth medium for seeding, transfection and production
Scalable protocol for use in flasks, spinner flasks and bioreactors
Add complementary BalanCD HEK293 Feed and/or Anti-Clumping Supplement to maximize growth and titer
Fulfills regulatory requirements:

Chemically-defined, animal-component free
Drug Master File (DMF) filed with US FDA
Also available as Powder: 94137 – BalanCD HEK293 Medium – Powder.